When I received an invitation to preach at Yishun Christian Church (Anglican), I was happy to accept. I heard of this church long ago, when the church I served was searching for a permanent church facility. This was the first example of two churches sharing one building facility in a HDB land tender in a housing estate. It made a lot of sense as it halved the development cost and doubled the usage. As it turned out the Lutherans, being a mainline, liturgical church, is a good match in terms of the sanctuary design, nave and altar, pews and culture. A few other churches have followed suit and improved on this model: Clementi Bible Centre, another building in Yishun shared by Tabernacle of Christ and Life Centre Church (formerly Smyrna Assembly), and in Jurong West a church building shared by Victory Family Church and Centre of New Life. In fact, the government had plans for more churches to share buildings similarly but there had been no updates thus far.

Passionate about forming members in Christlikeness
The present vicar is Rev Daniel Teo. I was quite impressed with his broad experience. He was with Youth With A Mission for a season and served as ordained priest with St John’s-St Margaret’s for many years. He loves learning and holds a Master of Divinity (Greek track) and Master of Christian Studies from BGST, Singapore. Currently, he is close to completing his Masters in Theology. It became obvious he carries a passion for the Word of God and expository preaching. I noticed that the vicar and staff team had been preaching through the book of James. More importantly, they desire to see transformation towards Christlikeness as the word is applied in the members’ lives. I noticed that the English congregation pastors Japheth and Richard were likewise passionate about teaching God’s Word.

I was happy to see Beth, a former church leader who married pastor Japheth. I was pleased that she had integrated into the church well as a ministry staff. It was painful for the church I still attend to lose her, but I take comfort that she will bloom wherever she is planted and she is happily married to a pastor. She led the praise and worship songs in the monthly family worship service where the children and youth joined the adults in an inter-generational service. I believe such integration is healthy for the church, even if it is done monthly. This church had also experienced the charismatic renewal and unlike other churches, members are permitted to flow with the Spirit during the worship service.

I preached on the topic, “Being Single and Fulfilled” and placed the accent on being “fulfilled” because there were many married couples, young families and empty nesters. The attendance was over 200. I surprised myself because I preached for thirty minutes. I usually preach for forty minutes. On the Sunday before, I preached for an hour in my home church! It helped that I knew that after the 8:30 am Anglican service, the Lutherans would hold their worship service, so I was motivated to keep to my allotted time.

After the service, I caught up with Hedy Chua and her husband Christopher. We lived in the same neighbourhood in Princess Elizabeth Estate. Many decades back, I got to know that she attended this church. It was good to see her still rooted in the same church. These days loyalty, gratitude and faithfulness are rare qualities. People leave churches for the weakest reasons: a misunderstanding or dissatisfaction. Many left their home church simply because they unknowingly acted like consumers, searching for what was best for themselves, and not thinking of how they could contribute to the church they were dissatisfied with. This is a generalization of course but it is true for a sizeable percentage of church migrants.
When I left, I received a gift book, “The Bible’s Grand Story” written by the vicar himself. This was published in 2019 before the covid pandemic. I scanned it and felt it would be a good addition to the many books that local Christian writers have written in the past two decades. It’s another reminder to finish editing my book draft, which halted abruptly in the past month when I came down with pain in my back shoulder. This is the Lord’s nudging that I must finish editing my book draft.