My One Biggest Distraction From Prayer & Meditation

It’s the mobile phone. So accessible. So fast. So handy. A computer in a pocket-sized gadget. And one that your body, mind and soul can get so attached to that you automatically pick it up whenever its nearby, and your fingers find their homes and favourite tap dance patterns.

So much is in the handphone. My ESV Bible and YouVersion apps are inside. My Blue Letter Bible app with its inter-linear is inside. My worship and contemplative music is inside. And so are my Samsung notes and pen. I use all these often. But my Instagram,, home church website, access to local and international news, and football news are there too, together with WhatsApp and Carousell and Lazada. 

I may start with a Bible app and end up with BBC world news and Arsenal transfer news and answering WhatsApp messages. Time flies and before I know it half an hour has passed. 

I tried shutting off all sound notifications and vibrations. It still distracts. The sight of it, the thought of it makes you want to reach out. 

That is why the phone is a major distraction (and maybe addiction) for me and I suppose for some others too. What then is the best thing to do with such a formidable distraction. You have to try different ways and be honest about their efficacy and settle on a method that works for you personally.

For me I switch off the phone or put it in another room. Either one works for me.

This is a great aid to prayer. Discover and hold fast to a way to preempt the temptation and distraction of mobile devices – whether handphone, tablet or laptop.

If you are laughing at all this, you are blessed one indeed! Maybe your distraction is something else. Tell us readers about your particular distraction and how you overcome it, or let some other reader suggest to you how he or she overcomes that same distraction you described in the comment box. Go to the blogpost title and tap on “Leave a Comment”.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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How To Pray For The Israel-Gaza Conflict

Who are the good guys and who are the bad ones? Many Christians will automatically consider Israel the good guys and Gaza the bad guys. This is because of our belief in God’s favor upon Israel as a chosen people, and the land of Israel as God’s gift to them.

However, you cannot pray well when you put people into categories like these. Both the Israelis and Palestinians are “bad guys” in God’s eyes. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Therefore, it is best that we begin prayer with a heart aligned to God’s estimation. Both Israel and Gaza need the mercy and salvation of God.


First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Timothy 2:1-3 ESV)

Pray that God will grant peace and order so that the respective peoples can go about making a good life regardless of race or religion or location. 

Pray that God will grant these peoples good leaders to govern them: wise, righteous, just and compassionate.

Join me in prayer now:

Almighty God, who Rules all nations, we humbly pray for Your mighty intervention in the leadership of these two nations. We pray that You would graciously establish leaders who are wise and really care for the people they lead; leaders who are righteous, incorruptible and just; leaders who will lead their nations to greater peace, prosperity and well-being for everyone. We plead with You to root out the bad trees and plant good trees that will bear good fruit for the whole nation to partake and rejoice in. Lord have mercy and hear our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name.


This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Tim 2:4 ESV)

Christians are in the minority in both nations. Therefore, ask the Lord to grant that the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ be effective in bringing true salvation and help to them. 

This is perhaps the only true hope for both Israel and Gaza: “the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned” (Matt 4:16 ESV).

This was also Paul’s great desire for his people: “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved(Romans 10:1).

Join me in prayer now:

Father in heaven, we pray for these two ancient peoples still full of hatred and bitterness towards each other. We plead with you to forgive these peoples their sins and iniquities. Have mercy on them. Do not deal with them according to their sins, nor repay them according to their iniquities. But show Your great mercy and grace upon them.

Our heart’s desire for them is that their eyes may be opened by You when they hear the gospel of Jesus’ love for them. May they come to a knowledge of the truth and turn from all others to follow the true and living God. Pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh as you promised to do in the last days, and let Your servants proclaim Your Word boldly and powerfully. Let many house churches be formed. Spark a Spirit-inspired church-planting movement among these peoples so that all the neighbours around them would know it is Your hand at work. May Your name be glorified and the communities be impacted with positive changes that last. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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I Received the Pfizer Vaccine as a Gift from God

On Tuesday, I received the second dose of Pfizer vaccination in the Yuhua Community Center. As usual, the process was very safe and efficient – something I do not take granted for and am always thankful for. I was generously given a box of face masks and a bottle of hand sanitizer. I had a sore upper arm and some flu-like aches on the day after, but today I am rather fine and continue to monitor my body. 


Months back I had thought I did not qualify because of an allergy.  My late mother told me I had allergic reactions to penicillin when I was a primary school boy. What kind of reactions, I cannot remember, and even if mum was alive, I doubt she would remember. I assumed that the jab was not for me and it was not at all a consideration. However, as the vaccination was implemented starting with the elderly, and as people started to think about it, I too started to seriously consider it. 

There were many anti-vaccination material and horror stories circulating on the internet and through WhatsApp messages. A neighbour said receiving the vaccination is receiving the mark of the Beast. A cousin shared a story of a friend he knew who died from heart failure after the second jab. Perhaps instead of a direct cause and effect, it could have been sudden death from hidden heart condition. However, there were also informative articles and videos that propounded that it was good and safe and a social responsibility to receive vaccination. One that I found personally helpful was circulated by a Methodist TRAC seniors ministry recording of a Zoom seminar that debunked many misconceptions about the vaccination (which I cannot seem to find now, or else I will surely link it here). Many factors had to be considered and it became too murky for a quick decision.


However, I began praying about whether I should receive the vaccine since I could not remember what my allergic reactions were. If it had been very serious, I would have landed in hospital and my mum would have underlined that fact, “You know you ended up in the hospital for three days! You could have died!” or something along that line. But I could not remember any of such. What should I do with such inadequate information about my allergy?

During a routine medical check at the polyclinic I shared with the doctor about the quandary I was in. The doctor’s reply injected peace. She said the reaction need to be somewhat serious, with for example swelling as well as breathlessness. That got me praying more until I felt God’s peace about receiving the vaccination.  This was a kind of peace that could withstand news of negative effects of vaccination and the opinions of others who plan to wait it out and let the early adopters be the guinea pigs.  

I have become one of those informed and forewarned guinea pigs albeit one with peace in his heart.  I received the vaccination as a gift from God.

Into your hands I commit my spirit and body, Lord Jesus Christ, giver and keeper of body and soul. Amen.

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