Persevering From Coast to Coast

The morning was cool and cloudy. The weather report predicted rain in the late morning. We have planned to cycle from Jurong East MRT to Coney Island and from there to Yishun MRT, where we would both fold our bicycles and return home by MRT. We met at about 7 am but there was a problem: his folding bike’s brakes were not working well. He had tried to repair it the night before but it did not seem to be good enough. Abort or continue? We decided to continue but with caution. When there were slopes he would dismount and walk his bike. For sure the sole of his shoes would be worn off more than usual. 

My mistake was to ride on the wrong side of Dunearn Road. I took the one heading towards the city. I should have taken the route away from town. There were too many streets where we had to wait, and pavement bumps we had to negotiate on the route we used. I believe the other route would be smoother, since it had more institutions and less residential areas.

I was familiar with the route from Jurong East to Adam’s Road hawker center, where we planned to have their famous nasi lemak for breakfast. However from there on Eng Hwa would have be the guide. I queued thirty minutes for nasi lemak and we had to park our bicycles outside but within sight. My Brompton is expensive so I was relieved that Eng Hwa had a lock and we parked near the entrance where an ambassador assured us he will keep a lookout. 

From there we went a roundabout way via Kheam Hock Road to MacRitchie Reservoir, and then to Marymount Road. We did a detour through Bishan Park as the construction diversions and activity along the National Parks recommended route was unpleasant. We finally reached Buangkok Park Connector and from then on it was park connectors all the way to Coney Isaland. 

While enjoying our laksa and kway teow mee at Happy Restaurant, a kopitiam, it began to drizzle so we rested longer than usual, and chat about what’s been happening since we last met. When the drizzle was lighter we headed out with raincoats and reached Coney Island. From there we headed to Seletar via the park connectors and reached Rower’s Bay and finally Yishun MRT. It was a 49 kilometre ride. I was not particularly beat. I was surprised I was okay. Maybe it was the cool temperatures and cloud cover throughout the day. Or the many occasions when we had to slow down because of the several slopes along the route. 

I was happy and satisfied that I did this. I tried a few times but could never attempt it because of Covid restrictions, or my pastor friends were not able to make it. The highlight was riding through Bishan Park, which I find to be a lovely gem in the heart of Singapore.

My reflection of this whole ride was that if we had allowed poor brakes or rain to deter and defeat us, we would have had regret hanging over our heads whenever we recall our aborted trip. We would always be thinking and talking about “What if we had just gone despite all the obstacles we faced?” Glad we persevered. Sometimes when a major decision needs to be made, one of the considerations can be, “Will I regret this choice on the day of judgment when I stand before the Lord?” Making a choice that brings a smile on the Lord’s face or a “Well done!” from him, will give us the power to persevere even through fiery trials. “For the joy that was set before him”, Jesus endured the trial and suffering of the crucifixion (Heb 12).

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Journey To Creation Retreat 2021

This prayer retreat was a welcome break for those weary with working from home, and with the rapid changes of Covid 19 restrictions. It was also for lovers of God and nature, for those who wish to find God revealed in nature, and God communicating with us afresh as we immerse ourselves in the sights, sounds and movements of the forests and parks around Montfort Retreat Centre in Upper Bukit Timah Road.

This semi-silent retreat was held from Saturday 6 to Wednesday 10 November 2021. After the participants had trickled in from 10am onwards the retreat commenced with a briefing at 2pm followed by an orientation walk to the Chestnut Observation Tower. Nightly zoom meetings for small group sharing and instructional sessions for the whole group of about 18 were structured into the retreat program. I was there with Matthew and Jessica, and Juliana to provide volunteer support for the retreat that was led by spiritual director, Lance Ng. We were guides for individuals who needed someone to accompany them along the nature trails nearby.

the retreat program

I was there to guide retreatants on Sunday and Monday. From Tuesday onwards they were on their own. I enjoyed the initial mutual introductions. This helped the guide and retreatant be at ease with each other’s presence. After that, the retreatant was left alone on their silent contemplative walks, and I kept some distance away so they can have their alone time, privacy and freedom. I enjoyed the walks too as I had been inactive for about three weeks after my booster jab. I welcomed this burst of concentrated daily walks which started at 7am in the morning and usually ended around 10am plus. 

I love walking in the forest but found guiding different because there is always that concern of keeping the retreatant within my sight but yet hopefully without me intruding. I want them to feel safe and yet be fully present to enjoy God’s creation and presence.

After their morning walks, the retreatants had time to reflect, rest, nap and journal their experiences. At 7.30pm each evening, they shared over zoom what had impressed or moved them during their walks, first in small groups, and then together as a whole. Lance Ng also gave conversational talks on very helpful topics like self-knowledge and truth; having conversations with God about areas in our lives that needs attention and formation; and how community is so vital to our journey to being fully human. 

From listening in to the retreatant’s lively and interesting vignettes about how God was dealing with and communicating with them, I could see that when we re-visit nature we find God happy to use what we see, feel, smell and touch to communicate with us. After all, at the beginning, it was in a nature setting that “the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day…..the Lord called to the man, “Where are you?”(Genesis 3:8,9 NIV). We find God in the garden, and he finds us there too…more aware of our struggles; sometimes hiding because of them, and yet open to listen, open to God’s movement towards us despite all our faults.

the Lord’s leading

The team had actually gone on a dry run through the retreat program a few months back but the latest Covid 19 restrictions required that we modify the program drastically. However, our creative God is not handcuffed by human rules and is able to transcend them and reach us on the inside in our solitude and silence. We were amazed at God’s unfolding grace and leadership of the retreat. We know the retreatants had experiences of and dialogues with God and moved closer to him. They also left the retreat having learned a way to be with and listen to God which they could use in any of the many parks in Singapore. This is a bonus.

first quarter 2022, God willing

I could detect an appetite for more of such kind of retreats. For now though, the retreats being rolled out for the first quarter of next year (2022) are as follows:

registration for first quarter 2022

For registration, Sign up HERE.

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Gifts From Above

I have a new hobby: photography. My adult children asked me what I would like for a retirement gift. After some thought I said, “A camera.” I named a model that is suitable for self-recording videos and taking good pictures”. In the end, they generously gave me a better model and I was happy to receive this improved gift. 

Since then I have been taking lots of photographs and started an additional Instagram account @visiojourney to assist in my learning journey. However, I have yet to begin making teaching video content for my YouTube channel. Lord, give me your grace to start.

An engrossing hobby

Photography has been an engaging and fun hobby with so much to learn. There are so much technical knowledge and skills to understand and develop and I am so thankful for the many instructional videos available in YouTube to learn these skills so I can go out and practice them. 

I found that watching YouTube can also be engrossing and addictive for I ended up watching video after video telling you what kind of lenses are best for getting good photos. Because I am unconsciously seeking a short cut to better photographs, I keep watching these videos even though I already have lenses: a Viltrox 23mm f1.4 and a pancake Fujinon 27mm f2.8. “Maybe a better lens will help me make better images more quickly, without having to patiently learn the skills!” Of course, this is only partly true. Good lenses and equipment are vital, but so is having good photography knowledge and skills. Therefore, I need to remind myself to obtain more skills and resist the temptation of buying more and better lenses. 

Providence in buying second-hand lenses

However, to complete my system, I needed a zoom lens and after watching many reviews I finally settled on a Fujinon kit lens, the ubiquitous 18-55mm and the newer Fujinon 16-80mm f4 lenses. I checked Carousell and consulted Matt, my son, and he recommended the older kit lens, and even offered to pay for me. What a pleasant surprise! I was thrilled, of course. I completed the transaction and bought it at $300, a good price. 

The Carousell transaction was interesting and frustrating. The meeting point was settled and I was there on time. “I am here in front of Fun toast”. Ten minutes later, I wrote: “Hi D–, I am waiting here at HillV2. Hope you did not forget our appointment”. Another twenty seven minutes later, the seller finally replied, “Hello, are you still there? So sorry. I just woke up. And my phone was dead the whole night. Please let me know. Apologise for this”. “I am here. Still waiting. Can you come soon?” “Ok I’m getting it and bringing it down”. When he arrived, he apologised again; I checked the lens and completed the transaction. I was surprised that in all, I waited a total of one hour and ten minutes.

Another interesting story of God’s provision was the wide/macro Xenvo kit for mobile phones that I had been eyeing and wanting to buy. Camera macro lenses are expensive and bulky so I had been looking at getting the portable and much cheaper Xenvo macro lens. Therefore when an acquaintance told the WhatsApp hiking group that he wants to sell this exact lens kit at half price, by God’s providence, I happen to open the message and straight away registered my interest and arranged to collect it. This time with another interesting thing happened. 

I arranged to COD the item after I had pre-recorded my sermon for the Deaf Congregation of my home church. At his home, the hiking acquaintance surprised me and gave it to me free of charge. I never had the opportunity to know him as I was away from hiking during the last five years of my pastoral work. Even though he did not know me well, he generously gave me the Xenvo kit free of charge. I felt grateful and touched by this blessing, and also that God was showing me that he does care for the details of my everyday life, not just my needs but also my wants. I must say photography is fun, and I hope it will always remind me of God’s love and faithfulness. I hope every time I use these gifts, it becomes a trigger of thanksgiving to God.

LORD, you are faithful and abounding in love, and I feel overwhelmed by the generosity of loved ones and acquaintances. You provide not only for my needs but also my wants for it pleases you to bless me. Bless the givers and help me use these gifts for the joy of photography and the praise of your name. 

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