Haiti: unreported spiritual happening!

On February 12, 2010, President Préval of Haiti called his nation to 3 days of fasting and prayer in place of the regular Mardi Gras celebration. Over 1 million Haitians attended this epic event. It will be interesting to see what God will do in answer to the cry of a million voices.

Haiti – “A Call To Fasting & Prayer” from anthony gehin on Vimeo.

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Learning something new

Took a break from blogging and tried oil painting. Never had proper art classes and was in the science stream but why should I let that deter me from learning. Don’t ridicule my first effort, a painting based on a photograph taken while climbing Mt Kinabalu. I had good help from Peter Tan, an old friend, who also took up painting just a few years ago. It was relaxing, and I hope it will be something I enjoy more and more.

mt kinabalu - first "draft"?

Lord why am I doing this?

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“Dear, don’t bother to come home”

Elaine in the centerI have followed English football since I was in secondary school. I was even in Bolton, England. The closest I got to a football match was shopping at Tesco under the Reebok Stadium. My daughter Elaine does not follow football. She asks the odd question and get answers from me (Arsenal fan), Joshua (Chelsea fan), and Matthew(Liverpool fan). Yet she has entered the Old Trafford of the Manchester United in front of RooneyFootball Club and watched a football match where the host played West Ham Utd. You can call this grace! The person who worked got nothing; the one who was not even looking experienced the Old Trafford atmosphere. I sent her a terse message on her wall in her Facebook, “Dear, if you decide to become a Man Utd fan, don’t bother to come home. Love, Dad” 🙂

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