The right question to ask after the Sunday worship service

The right question to ask about a worship service

Do not ask “How good was the worship leader?” or “How good was the preacher?” or even “How good was the worship service?” Rather, you should ask, “Which part of the worship service edified or blessed me?”. Paul the apostle wrote in 1Cor14, “Let all be done for edification (building up and strengthening)”. It has to be the bottom-line for any worship service. A person can be edified by the lyrics or power of a song that was sung in worship; a piece of instrumental music that was played or moments of silence; a prayer that struck a chord; a glimpse of the glory of Christ; a moving testimony; a quotation a preacher used; or as is often the case, a story or insight in the sermon. He could be blessed by the benediction, or even after, when someone shook his hands, said something that made so much sense, or listened with patience and care. There are so many ways that God could bless us before, during or after the worship service.  So next time, do not ask about the performance of the musicians, the worship leader or the preacher. It only makes you a  connossieur of worship services, a critic of performances, rather than a recipient of God’s manifold grace. So over lunch with your church friends, or with your family at dinner time, ask this question instead, “Which part of the service or meeting blessed or edified you?”  God can use anyone or any part of the meeting to bless and speak to you!!

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Medication and meditation

Vertigo is literally nauseating and crippling.  It happened to me two Saturdays ago. I woke up to go for a Saturday trek to Bukit Timah hill but everything around me spun and I was totally disorientated and vomited. With my hands on my wife’s shoulder, I went to a clinic nearby and was given medication to snuff out the symptoms for a few days. Over the weekend I simply rested and slept like a sardine, still and stiff, speaking my healing and talking to the Lord, and faithfully taking my medication. It was an enforced retreat. I had been thinking of going to Cameron, to my favorite retreat and rest place, but never acted on it. So I reflected, wrote my journal, prayed and read scriptures.

When I was better a few days later and about to go out for an appointment, it hit me again. So another round of going to the doctor and receiving medication. Thank God for doctors and thank God for church elders. Two elders and their wives came by to my home to pray for me with the anointing of oil, and I felt the warm power of the Spirit on my right palm. Over the weekend I improved quickly and was able to move my head briskly and freely without giddiness by Monday. Thanks be to God.

Going back to office and having the mobility makes me appreciate the blessedness of being healthy. I feel for those whose illness give them untold suffering and restrictions of all kinds. Even medicine cannot cure them. Besides caring for the sick, may all believers also earnestly desire the spiritual gifts to alleviate the suffering of the sick. Amen.

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Crossroads Cup: Singapore’s inter-church football league

WRPF plays a Methodist Church
WRPF plays a Methodist Church

WRPF playing a Methodist church team

The Crossroads Cup is an inter church football tournament. Bless the people who organized it for it has offered an opportunity for men passionate about football to express their witness and worship in play. Many church activities does not press the button for Christian guys. This one does for those with an interest in football. And its a good way to bring in pre-believers into the squad. People often come to faith through experiencing Christ in Christian community. In the safety of the football pitch, under the open sky, or over meals at coffee-shop, hawker center or a home, the pre-believer encounters the Christ in community.  Stories are told. Acceptance and love is experienced. Seeds are planted. Who knows?

World Revival Prayer Fellowship joined the inter-church league this year. We have a team of church members as well as pre-believers. They pick up good values on the field. They fall, they fail in more than one ways. They learn character; they learn values. They learn Christ not by studying the Bible but by experience, observation, and reflection. A different way of learning than in the classroom, or in the worship service or in the small group. Nevertheless, learning takes place. Probably in ways that cannot be replicated by other church programs. More churches should join in next year. Winning, everyone says, is not the main thing. Even so, WRPF is currently fourth on the table, and everyone loves to have a sense of progress, and if it includes winning, why not? Maybe in three years time, this is a probability. Amen and amen.

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