The right question to ask about a worship service
Do not ask “How good was the worship leader?” or “How good was the preacher?” or even “How good was the worship service?” Rather, you should ask, “Which part of the worship service edified or blessed me?”. Paul the apostle wrote in 1Cor14, “Let all be done for edification (building up and strengthening)”. It has to be the bottom-line for any worship service. A person can be edified by the lyrics or power of a song that was sung in worship; a piece of instrumental music that was played or moments of silence; a prayer that struck a chord; a glimpse of the glory of Christ; a moving testimony; a quotation a preacher used; or as is often the case, a story or insight in the sermon. He could be blessed by the benediction, or even after, when someone shook his hands, said something that made so much sense, or listened with patience and care. There are so many ways that God could bless us before, during or after the worship service. So next time, do not ask about the performance of the musicians, the worship leader or the preacher. It only makes you a connossieur of worship services, a critic of performances, rather than a recipient of God’s manifold grace. So over lunch with your church friends, or with your family at dinner time, ask this question instead, “Which part of the service or meeting blessed or edified you?” God can use anyone or any part of the meeting to bless and speak to you!!