Prayerful Reflection of the Day

During one of my retreats at the Seven Fountains retreat centre at Chiangmai, Fr David Townsend taught me a method of prayer and reflection. I have found this prayer exercise helpful and useful in making me more aware of God’s presence, gifts and activity in daily life. I used an acronym A.G.E.N.T. so it was easily remembered and I could go through the steps without referring to notes. It was mechanical at first but with regular use of this acronym, I hardly notice nowadays. Try out these steps:


Begin the reflection with a simple prayer: Lord, as I review all the happenings, meetings and conversations with people, and action and reactions, and the feelings and images that floated by or hovered over the day, help me to see where YOU were present and active.


There are many things to be thankful for every day. Just this morning my wife and daughter and I went for a walk at the Lower Pierce Reservoir. It was cool even at 10am I was surprised I have never been here before. After the short walk we sat at a concrete bench and had some cut mango. It was a beautiful moment, something to be grateful to God for, a gift from a loving Father, but this was not in my thoughts. I only noticed this as I now reflect about the morning. I recall the feeling of joy of being together with loved ones, the taste of smooth succulent mango after the walk. Lord, thank you a beautiful day and for shared moments such as these. 

I also recall how we talked about the prophecies given to Elaine over her teenage years to today. We could see how different prophecies sang the same song, and how those prophecies came to pass in her life. Lord, thank you. You are watching over her and guiding her life, and she is doing the good works that God has prepared for her beforehand.  

Even as look for things we are thankful for, the unpleasant moments also pop up. One was the Thai dish I ordered at a Thai restaurant for lunch. I ordered Khao Soi.  I was looking for a noodle dish I had in the Seven Fountains. I thought this was it but it wasn’t. I felt punctured. It felt like I had Chiangmai’s version of laksa. Lord this was so disappointing. I don’t want to try looking for it again. Maybe I will get to taste it one day in the retreat centre in future.


It was one of joy for me today. A most enjoyable and restful day. 


Notice an event, insight, meeting, conversation, image, emotion that stands out or calls for further conversation with the Lord. In this situation, I would pray for Elaine, and ask that the Lord will continue to watch over His word to fulfill it in her life and for her to live for the glory of God, and to be kept safe as she returns to the United States to work. 


If I was reflecting at the beginning of the day, I would pray about the day ahead. Who am I meeting, what will I be doing, what am I anxious about, what help do I need from the Lord. If I was reflecting at the end of the day, I would do the same for tomorrow’s meetings. 

Try this over a week on a daily basis. Write some notes of significant feelings, images or meetings or conversations. At the end of the week, take a look at the whole week and have a conversation with the Lord about the week. 

If you find this reflection and prayer exercise life-giving, continue with it, and drop a note in the comment box to share what your experiences were. 

The above was my modification of the prayer steps that was taught by St Ignatius almost 400 years ago. The original looked like THIS. St Ignatius original method had been modified for contemporary use and one version of it was shared with me HERE. This version was written by Fr David Townsend, a spiritual director at Seven Fountains. If the method gets stale, and you want to explore a variety of prayerful reflection, you will want to download this app from Google Play called REIMAGINING THE EXAMEN.

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“Pray” and “Preach”

I awoke one morning with some inspired thoughts. Over the years I have learned to pay attention to these. Sometimes they are suggestions to do something. When I had to preach more often, there had been sermon ideas or outline alignments or fresh perspectives. This time it was to improve the menu at the top header of my blog. It is to make more resources more visible and available to readers.

One is a section of links to blogposts I will write about prayer helps. Most of us struggle with prayer, as I have. Over the years I have tried many things to freshen and deepen my fellowship with the Lord. Some helped a lot. Some didn’t. I want to write about these practical suggestions so that those who want can try them too. If the suggestion leads to life, continue in it. If it does not, stop and move on.

The other section is about preaching. I have read an average of at least two books on preaching per year. It was something I loved doing. I would invariably be excited by some insight I gained or some method or skill I would try out. So I have decided to revisit some of these books I have read, and reflect on what can be gleaned, and reproduce some useful extracts from them. I hope pastors, both experienced and newbies, will be blessed and inspired to freshen their preaching as they read the blogposts. Hopefully, they will go on to buy and read the whole book too.

Do have a look at them by clicking on the relevant buttons in the header banner.

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How To Pray For The Israel-Gaza Conflict

Who are the good guys and who are the bad ones? Many Christians will automatically consider Israel the good guys and Gaza the bad guys. This is because of our belief in God’s favor upon Israel as a chosen people, and the land of Israel as God’s gift to them.

However, you cannot pray well when you put people into categories like these. Both the Israelis and Palestinians are “bad guys” in God’s eyes. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Therefore, it is best that we begin prayer with a heart aligned to God’s estimation. Both Israel and Gaza need the mercy and salvation of God.


First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Timothy 2:1-3 ESV)

Pray that God will grant peace and order so that the respective peoples can go about making a good life regardless of race or religion or location. 

Pray that God will grant these peoples good leaders to govern them: wise, righteous, just and compassionate.

Join me in prayer now:

Almighty God, who Rules all nations, we humbly pray for Your mighty intervention in the leadership of these two nations. We pray that You would graciously establish leaders who are wise and really care for the people they lead; leaders who are righteous, incorruptible and just; leaders who will lead their nations to greater peace, prosperity and well-being for everyone. We plead with You to root out the bad trees and plant good trees that will bear good fruit for the whole nation to partake and rejoice in. Lord have mercy and hear our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name.


This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Tim 2:4 ESV)

Christians are in the minority in both nations. Therefore, ask the Lord to grant that the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ be effective in bringing true salvation and help to them. 

This is perhaps the only true hope for both Israel and Gaza: “the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned” (Matt 4:16 ESV).

This was also Paul’s great desire for his people: “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved(Romans 10:1).

Join me in prayer now:

Father in heaven, we pray for these two ancient peoples still full of hatred and bitterness towards each other. We plead with you to forgive these peoples their sins and iniquities. Have mercy on them. Do not deal with them according to their sins, nor repay them according to their iniquities. But show Your great mercy and grace upon them.

Our heart’s desire for them is that their eyes may be opened by You when they hear the gospel of Jesus’ love for them. May they come to a knowledge of the truth and turn from all others to follow the true and living God. Pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh as you promised to do in the last days, and let Your servants proclaim Your Word boldly and powerfully. Let many house churches be formed. Spark a Spirit-inspired church-planting movement among these peoples so that all the neighbours around them would know it is Your hand at work. May Your name be glorified and the communities be impacted with positive changes that last. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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