Thursday, 3 November 2016

This was a long day. We started early. By 7.45am we were waiting for the city tram in Toyoma. We wanted to see the glass museum before we headed for Kanazawa. What’s so special about this that we need to skip a leisurely breakfast and squeeze this into the itinerary? Well I was simply blown away by what I saw: such amazing works of art made of glass. You have to go there to see and feel the moment. My camera shots do not do justice in the low light conditions of the museum. The sense of wonder outstripped all my expectations.

What a ceiling! What a work of art!
What a ceiling! What a work of art!
An enchanting set on the table.
An enchanting set on the table.
Toyama Glass Museum
Toyama Glass Museum
The joy and pain of taking the bullet train - fast and costly.
The joy and pain of taking the bullet train – fast but costly.
Lunch at Omicho morning market.
Lunch at Omicho morning market.

By 10.20am we were off to Kanazawa in the shinkansen Japan’s bullet train. It went super fast. In one hour we were at the Hotel MyStays Kanazawa. From there we walked to the Omicho morning market and arrived at noon. We found reasonably priced shashimi and other Japanese food and sat on short stools and tables and downed our lunch.

I must state that the toilet culture of Japan is admirably world-class. Even the market toilets were clean and free from odour. I never felt dread or anxiety about using the toilets: railway stations (even in small towns), malls, restaurants, hotels and inns (of course), scenic areas and even in the markets, as in the Omicho market. I found the wide application of technology in Japan. Even toilets were subject to this widespread use of technology. The water spout can be adjusted in water pressure and nozzle position.  The toilet seat cover was always warm. There was even in one case a blow dryer for drying up the backside after the wash. I have yet to use one with music that will cover up the noise of your excretion, but I heard there is such a model!

You can adjust the pressure of the spray and even where the nozzle is directed!
You can adjust the pressure of the spray and even where the nozzle is directed!
The wavy button on the right hand is the blow dry action! Save paper, save the earth!
The wavy button on the right hand is the blow dry action! Save paper, save the earth!

Singapore is not helped by the weather and the toilet odours are nasty. The parks have nice toilets that are specially built to allow natural light and air flow. The airports have the best, nice smelling and clean public toilets. Next would be our malls. The worse toilets are in the coffee-shops. However there are hopeful signs of change. A friend in renovation business told me one increasingly popular toilet model has a water spout ala Japan but without heater nor dryer. The toilet adaptations have come to our shores. There is hope.


Our next stop in our itinerary was the Kanazawa Castle and the kimono photoshoot. There were only a few kimonos left so some decided to spend more time touring the Kanazawa Castle, while the others and their spouses went to hunt down the shop, wear the kimono, which took considerable time, and take their photos. I went for the castle tour and we later met at the kimono shop in the tourist belt. This was followed by shopping, which was too expensive and limited in the range of products. Most of us bought nothing. We were glad to return and enjoy the comforts of a newly refurbished hotel room. There the bathtub awaited me.

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Wednesday 2 November 2016

I was excited to visit Shirakawago, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I think UN did a fine thing to make this label such a desirable thing among the nations. It’s a win-win arrangement. The country that gets a heritage site status for one of its historical or natural wonders benefits from a “brand” that can draw tourists’ dollars that then can be pumped back to sustain the maintenance of these invaluable pieces of history and natural wonders.

From Toyama we took a bus to Shirakawago. This was an hour and a half ride. I took the time to catch up on my reading. I had bought a Kindle beforehand and liked the idea that I can have so many books in one light paperback-sized gadget with a pleasant screen. I was reading “Tokyo Year Zero” by David Peace. I got the idea of reading a book about the country I went to when my son’s girlfriend passed me a book titled “Silence” the year before when I visited Kyushu. I must say that both these books have bleak, desolate themes. Perhaps this dismal, cheerless spirit is why the Japanese love wearing neutral colours. In the trains and in the street, I see the Japanese people wearing clothes in browns, beige, black, white, cream. Maybe its practical because it matches with anything – and being classic it does not go out of fashion so quickly. Maybe they are a high-conformist society. When I watch the Korean dramas they are so into bright catchy colours! Anyway, the Kindle was a blessing to have around during these long rides.


At Shirakawago we went the wrong direction and got lost.  So we went back to the start point and information counter, and in less than ten minutes in the opposite direction, we entered an old three storey house that had a roof that looked like praying hands. The roofs were steep and thatched in the “gassho style” (whatever that means). We entered into one that is open to the public and found the inside surprisingly large and interesting. These rare, large and well preserved old village houses used to house extended families that subsisted on sericulture (cultivation of mulberry trees and silkworms). Fascinating.

I wanted to stay longer because it was highly unlikely that I would pass this way again and I was intrigued by the village in the valley secluded from the rest of Japan by the surrounding forests and mountains. What kind of people lived here? How were they different in culture and values from the rest of the Japanese? Never got my questions answered though. So while the rest of the group headed back to Toyama city viewing tower, four of us opted to stay on and we booked a later bus departure. This gave us more time to have a quick bite and leisurely walk around the whole village. The bright sunshine did not make for good photography but the weather was cool and lovely. I loved the unhurried leisurely stroll in this beautiful and significant place.


Ramen Iroha - the black squid ramen in Toyoma
Ramen Iroha – the black squid ramen in Toyoma (Credits: Judith)
Oishi says everybody.
Oishi says everybody (Credits: Judith)
Famous squid soup ramen
Famous squid soup ramen – slurp (Credits: Judith)

Later we took the bus back to Toyama and there searched for the famous black squid ramen. It is raved about on the internet. So we had to die, die must try, and tried we did. We found it in the basement of the building where the bus dropped us off. It was opposite a Daiso department store, so shopping took priority and the ladies went hunting with new energy, while I explored every floor of the building and ended at the highest level where there was free wifi. The other group had patronised the ramen restaurant earlier and said it was great, so with anticipation we went in and slurped the ramen noodles for dinner, and though I am not much of a ramen fan, I exclaimed oishi! since everyone else did so. In Japan, it is good to conform.

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Monday, 31 October 2016:

The grandeur and beauty of the Japanese Alpine route is impressive. I supposed any other scenery from hence would be an anticlimax. From Tateyama we went to visit the nearby Kurobe Gorge still in the northern part of the Japanese Alps. There is a railway that operates along the scenic gorge area in Toyama Prefecture. This railway used to serve the construction of the Kurobe Dam but now it brought tourists like me to take a one and a half hours’ train ride through forested ravines with steep cliffs, scores of bridges and tunnels.

Waiting for the train. (Credits: Ruby)
Waiting for the train – one of the few privately owned train companies.(Credits: Ruby)
The train cars were open sided.
The train cars were open sided.(Credits: Ruby)
Pine trees along the train tracks (Credits: Judith)
Pine trees along the train tracks (Credits: Judith)
Steep cliffs and ravines on both sides of river. (Credits: Judith)
Steep cliffs on both sides of river. (Credits: Judith)
One of the many bridges along the route. (Credits: Ruby)
The most outstanding of the many bridges along the route. (Credits: Ruby)
The turquoise waters of Kurobe river below the ravine. (Credits: Ruby)
The turquoise waters of Kurobe river below the ravine. (Credits: Ruby)
A small dam along the Kurobe River (Credits: Ruby)
A small dam along the Kurobe River (Credits: Ruby)
Another view of the orange train (Credits: Ruby)
Another view of the orange coloured train (Credits: Ruby)
At the terminal we got off and went down to explore the river (Credits: Ruby)
At the terminal we got off and went down to explore the river (Credits: Ruby)



They love their bridges in red
They love their bridges in red – is it some regulation I wonder.
It got cold later in the day what with the open sided car (Credits: Ruby)
It got cold later in the day what with the open sided car (Credits: Ruby)
Small bathrooms with petite bathtubs. I love to soak and do so at every opportunity
Small bathrooms with petite bathtubs. I love to soak and do so at every opportunity

We sat in the open-sided car. It was cheaper but colder. The ride to the terminal Keyakidaira Station was interesting. We got off and walked down to the river and explored the area. Later I felt tired and bored as I anticipated the predictable return trip on the same route.  When the day was over, with great relief, I soaked myself in the bathtub of the Grand Terrace Hotel in Toyama. I love these petite bathtubs. Every hotel we have been has one. Not the inns or guesthouses, but the hotels. My custom is to fill it and soak in it to mull over the day with thanksgiving.

I am quite excited about the next day: we visit an auction at a fishing port, and probably indulge in super fresh seafood at reasonable prices. I drooled as I contemplated that in the bathtub. Just kidding.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016:

The breakfast buffet spread catered to Japanese and Western taste buds. I felt great relief that I could have a slow and laid back breakfast, and that we would be anchored in this hotel for three days and three nights. Unlike the biblical Jonah’s experience in the whale’s belly hotel, ours would not be queasy.

The tourist train at Takaoke (Credits: Judith)
The tourist train at Takaoka (Credits: Judith)
Small and lovely market at the fishery
Small and lovely market at the fishery
Eyeing the crab
Eyeing the crab
Handling the crab (Credits:Judith)
Handling the crab (Credits:Judith)
Eating the crab
Eating the crab


Different size different price
Different size different price
What a great lunch - cold crabs and sashimi galore
What a great lunch – cold crabs and sashimi galore (Credits: Helen)
Smiles and oishi all round (Credits: Ruby)
Smiles and oishi all round (Credits: Helen)
Young and yummy yellowtail sashimi
Young and yummy yellowtail sashimi (Credits: Judith)
Showing us the way to devour the crab
Showing us the way to extract the flesh
Red was the favourite colour of the day
Red was the favourite colour of the day

From Toyama we set off for Takaoka, and from there to the Shinminato Fishery at Imizu city. The slight drizzle did not dampen our mood. The aim was to watch a crab auction at the fishery. The unspoken bigger aim was to devour as much fresh crab and shashimi as our stomachs allowed. We were not disappointed. Except we wished we had bigger appetites and stomachs.

The crabs were all laid out in rows and groups
The crabs were all laid out in rows and groups
The viewing gallery was a long balcony 20 feet above the warehouse floor
The viewing gallery was a long balcony 20 feet above the warehouse floor
The Tans
The Tans
Junior school kids waiting in excitement
Junior school kids waiting in excitement
The buyers gathered around
The buyers gathered around the auctioneer
Te auctioneer used a loud hailer and the buyers used hand signals
Te auctioneer used a loud hailer and the buyers used hand signals
Washing up after the crabs were sold
Washing up after the crabs were sold and taken
Helen trying to speak in English to the Japanese pupils
Helen trying to speak in English to the Japanese pupils
Outside the ware house the buyers transport away their buys of the day
Outside the ware house the buyers transport away their buy of the day
Standing in front of the zen temple
Standing in front of the zen temple
Tan standing beside the statue of
Tan standing beside the statue of Maeda Toshinaga a daimyo (ranked below shogun)

We next intended to visit a zen temple. We braved cold and drizzle but at the temple entrance we discovered none were interested to go in. A group photo outside would do! Our enthusiasm petered out over the afternoon until, like all other Singaporeans, we entered the Aeon Shopping Mall, when everyone suddenly and miraculously seemed to be re-charged. They darted and zipped around like toys with newly inserted Duracell batteries . My wife and I had birthdays in late November so we decided to skip surprises and be pragmatic: I chose a blue shoulder sling bag, and she chose a red travel bag for our birthdays. Double happiness. I have grown to admire Japanese design and quality values, and some of their stuff cost less over there.

Inside the shinkansen, Japan's speed rail. For me and some others a first time.
Inside the shinkansen, Japan’s speed rail. For me and some others a first time.(Credits: Judith)

The hour was late and we rode the speed rail back to Toyama. It cost us a hand. We had no choice. A damp but most satisfying day, I thought, as I sank into another soak that night. The next day would be alluring: an UNESCO World Heritage site.


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