I am pleased and excited with the makeover, clean-up and updating of this blog site. The generous website host and Vee my web designer in particular have put in their talent and time and heart to get this blog ready to fly off the mark. How do you find the new style? Give me your feedback.
With the circuit breaker ended and phase 1 of return to normal begins, it has become likely that more people than ever before will be working from home(WFH). Thus I thought a short video about what WFH for a Christian can look like would be important since this will likely be the new normal. Thus I first posted this video on IGTV and embedded it here in my blog. I hope you find it helpful and share it with others. Thank you.
As I said in my last post, the “circuit breaker” stay home stay safe season has compelled me to learn the skill of self-recording using my smartphone, of talking to an empty room, of editing and using igtv, the relatively new video platform of Instagram, which allows a maximum of 10 mins per video for ordinary members. The above is the first of a series on Working From Home. It relates my experience of W.F.H.