A blessed and meaningful Christmas to all visitors of blogpastor.net! Trust you’ll enjoy this YouTube video.
Ben drew a deep breath and closed his bank account. All that he had saved for the past decade of working in the premier Administrative Service is now in this cheque that he would put in the offering bags on Sunday. He had been saving to invest in a private property he had been assiduously evaluating. Now he wrote the church’s name on the cheque. There was hesitation, but once he put pen to paper it was quickly over.
He was not the only one. Many in his cell group from the church had already done the same thing over the last few months. In fact he was his usual cautious reluctant self – turning things over in his head till his mind was exhausted and drew a blank. It was not just a matter of copying others in the cell group, or the many other cell groups. The whole church had been feverish about being ready for this greatly anticipated event the pastor had spoken about. Now he has decided to dive in too with the rest of his friends.
The pastor’s words had reverberated in the corridors of churches in Singapore. As the messages were being broadcasted in other countries in the region as well, there had been a groundswell of hostile reactions in Facebook. Many heads of denominations and pastors have taken to pulpits and pen to write against the pastor’s prediction. “Heresy!” they declared. “Dangerous doctrine!” they shouted.
Ben, 34, had heard from colleagues about how other churches had raised the alarm about his pastor’s prediction. This must be how the early Christians felt when opposition battered them, he thought, shaking his head. The pastor had said it, with scriptural backing, scholarly argument and numerical precision too, and that was convincing enough for him. Like him, many in the mega-church, cannot accept what the critics have said, for their lives had changed and became better and happier as a result of being part of the church.
On August 4th, he was among the first to go to the top of the Marina Bay Sands to get a better view. All the earth will see and know, the pastor had said. It would be a spectacle that cannot be ignored by the world’s media.
Ben had not married, not even fallen in love once. He had wanted to travel more, especially to visit the Holy Land, but was too busy to have done so. He hadn’t even had a chance to vote once! Though he was high up there in the civil service, he had not even attended a National Day Parade in his life. As the elevator shot up, regret bit him as he thought of all the things he wished he had done.
He also wondered, How would his meeting with the Lord be? What would he hear the Lord say? He had mixed feelings about meeting the Lord in the air, but the pastor said it would happen on 4th of August, and he had done all he could to prepare for this day.
Because the pastor had said so.
In keeping with a tradition of an annual prediction of the English Premier League, I have reluctantly decided to post something here. It’s been agony to see Arsenal’s best players sold to competing teams and to see them replaced by veterans who may have already played their best several seasons ago. Doing this prediction thing is not as fun as before, especially as Arsenal are perhaps on the borderline of missing out on one of the top four slots. So disenchanted have I been, I have given away my genuine Arsenal jersey to a blogger friend up north in Petaling Jaya. I still have an Arsenal key chain. Maybe that will go too…..if Arsenal is not in the top four.
These are my predictions for the current season:
First, Manchester City: because they used oil money to buy five of Arsenal’s best players, though two are not in the squad.
Second, Manchester United: because it is a team in transition with several new team members.
Third, Chelsea: because Abrahamovic’s money has given them a lifeline.
Fourth, Arsenal: how can I call myself a fan, if I leave them out of the top four. Somehow they will beat Liverpool and Tottenham to this last spot.
What is your take?