I’m Back To On Site Worship Service

This was my first on site worship service in my home church since my retirement. It has been six months since my retirement. It has been sweet. During this period I have been watching my home church’s online recorded services and later live streamed services. I decided to keep away from church for several months so that Pastor Alvin Lim who has succeeded me in leading the English Congregation can establish himself with the congregation that he is leading. My pastor friends think it should be a longer period. I am in two minds about it as every situation is different. I am inclined to ease in gradually and incrementally rather than suddenly. Anyway I have been invited to preach in other churches so that would be equivalent to a scaled return. If there are no invitations there is always the option of on-site during holy communion Sundays and online during other Sundays when I am not preaching anywhere. Hmm….this sounds good and I am at peace about this in the next phase.


It felt good to worship without the weight and concerns for how the worship service went, for attendance and offerings, for latecomers and the sermon quality, and all other hiccups. I cautioned myself to take off the senior pastor hat and sit back and enjoy, and it was good to sit back and be fully present for worship and what the Spirit may be moving my heart towards. Today I felt drawn to point people to Jesus, my neighbours, fellow retirees and other people I meet who do not know the Lord. Lord, empower me to reach out in love and service and witness.


It was a warm feeling meeting with church folks whom I have not seen for six months. It was such a joy to see them, such a joy to gather, worship and listen to God’s Word together with God’s people. I was not used to the new processes and arrangement but there is a kind of joy and and love and energy being given off and bouncing off live bodies and souls. These intangibles are difficult to put into words – the koinonia of the Spirit. The words of mystic John the apostle, “We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:3 Message). We are with one another together singing, praying, listening to the sermon, partaking of the Lord’s table, and interacting and while doing all this the Spirit makes possible a kind of spiritual osmosis where the life of the Father and the Son are permeated to all by the Spirit. It may not always be felt emotionally or experientially but nevertheless we receive his graces and gifts. For me it was an infusion of inspiration, peace and joy.

I was glad, very glad to be physically present in the house of worship this morning. I long for the day where we can worship and interact unhindered but as my predecessor Rev Johney used to quip, “If you do not have real teeth, false teeth will have to do.” You still get to eat.


Unrestricted worship services (like before Covid-19) is like eating with a full set of real teeth. On site worship with restriction is like eating with some implanted false teeth. On line worship service is like eating with full set of dentures.

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The Future of Humanity: life on Mars?

It is quite fascinating to read a book like Michio Kaku’s “The Future of Humanity”. It is full of interesting details about outer space and the possibility of human beings becoming a multiplanet species that can colonise Mars and other planets. This is not a review as I have not completed the book but an off-the-cuff reflection on some of the things I have read thus far. 


I felt astounded by the arrogant assumptions and imaginations of migrating people to other planets, particularly Mars, and the sheer amount of money that countries and private citizens were prepared to invest in their pursuit of this vision. I felt equally saddened that such energy, vision, passion and resources would not be harnessed to practise love of our poorer neighbour countries and human community. I find it tragic that a richly resourced country like the USA, and billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have visions of conquering space and colonising Mars instead of redistributing their wealth. Visions with love of neighbour is always greater, grander, nobler and more inspiring and leaves unforgettable legacies. I suppose human nature being what it is, we should not expect from humans anything more than the pursuit of self-interest.


The reasons for making humans a multiplanet species is the supposed danger of earth’s extinction. Possibilities of self-destruction include global warming, modern nuclear as well as biological warfare, and an expanding population with limited resources. Then there are natural disasters we have no control over, like pandemics (covid-19 came after the book was published in 2018), onset of another ice age, colossal eruption of the super-volcano under Yellowstone National Park, future meteor and comet impacts on earth, and the expansion of the sun. Escaping to another planet would be the Plan B and Mars currently seem the best candidate for forming a human colony before earth becomes extinct. 

The way I see it there is no need to do all this. The future of earth and humanity is already clearly and plainly revealed for us in the Bible. Let me quote a few passages of scriptures regarding this. Jesus in answering a question the disciples asked, “What will be the sign of your coming, and of the close of the age?” said to his disciples: “For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt 24:5-14) 

Peter the chief of the apostles of Christ had this to say about the end of this age: But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” (2 Peter 3:10-13)

Both passages speak of a frightening and climactic period of great human distress, natural disasters and destruction leading to the final and glorious appearance and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule an earth that has been purged and regenerated by God’s power and creativity into a new heaven and new earth where justice and righteousness will be established.

The future will not be life on Mars, but life on a renewed heaven and earth for all of God’s people.

This is my firm belief too, so reading this fantastically put together future of life on Mars, while thrilling and astounding, left me feeling déjà vu, like viewing in slow motion another Tower of Babel ending about to unfold. 

Lord GOD, You control the future of humanity and what it looks like has been revealed by Your prophets. We pray for wisdom to live with this revelation in mind, as we look forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to consummate the end of this age. Amen and Amen.

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I Received the Pfizer Vaccine as a Gift from God

On Tuesday, I received the second dose of Pfizer vaccination in the Yuhua Community Center. As usual, the process was very safe and efficient – something I do not take granted for and am always thankful for. I was generously given a box of face masks and a bottle of hand sanitizer. I had a sore upper arm and some flu-like aches on the day after, but today I am rather fine and continue to monitor my body. 


Months back I had thought I did not qualify because of an allergy.  My late mother told me I had allergic reactions to penicillin when I was a primary school boy. What kind of reactions, I cannot remember, and even if mum was alive, I doubt she would remember. I assumed that the jab was not for me and it was not at all a consideration. However, as the vaccination was implemented starting with the elderly, and as people started to think about it, I too started to seriously consider it. 

There were many anti-vaccination material and horror stories circulating on the internet and through WhatsApp messages. A neighbour said receiving the vaccination is receiving the mark of the Beast. A cousin shared a story of a friend he knew who died from heart failure after the second jab. Perhaps instead of a direct cause and effect, it could have been sudden death from hidden heart condition. However, there were also informative articles and videos that propounded that it was good and safe and a social responsibility to receive vaccination. One that I found personally helpful was circulated by a Methodist TRAC seniors ministry recording of a Zoom seminar that debunked many misconceptions about the vaccination (which I cannot seem to find now, or else I will surely link it here). Many factors had to be considered and it became too murky for a quick decision.


However, I began praying about whether I should receive the vaccine since I could not remember what my allergic reactions were. If it had been very serious, I would have landed in hospital and my mum would have underlined that fact, “You know you ended up in the hospital for three days! You could have died!” or something along that line. But I could not remember any of such. What should I do with such inadequate information about my allergy?

During a routine medical check at the polyclinic I shared with the doctor about the quandary I was in. The doctor’s reply injected peace. She said the reaction need to be somewhat serious, with for example swelling as well as breathlessness. That got me praying more until I felt God’s peace about receiving the vaccination.  This was a kind of peace that could withstand news of negative effects of vaccination and the opinions of others who plan to wait it out and let the early adopters be the guinea pigs.  

I have become one of those informed and forewarned guinea pigs albeit one with peace in his heart.  I received the vaccination as a gift from God.

Into your hands I commit my spirit and body, Lord Jesus Christ, giver and keeper of body and soul. Amen.

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