The ACS spirit

the best is yet to be“Was that the ACS spirit? Or perhaps the MGS spirit?” I provocatively asked a young adult in my cell group. I was referring to a news report about a video of a birthday celebration that looked more like birthday ragging. It was done at ACJC. A group of 10 laughing girls crowded around her as they pinned her down and tied her hands to the chin-up bar. The girls tried to tape the victim’s mouth with masking tape when she started screaming repeatedly. They poured milk on her, stuffed cake into her face and even her blouse as  a crowd of 15 boys and girls looked on. After the ragging, the birthday song. To the birthday girl, who took it in her stride, it was “memorable”. The young adult said, “No it was not the ACS spirit!”

There were three from ACS so I asked them with curiousity. What is the ACS spirit? None were able to give a definitive answer. “It cannot be defined”. “It is unity and loyalty.” “It is being passionate and proud of your school”. Does the school give a clear written definition of what “it” is in its publications or talks? “No”. So what is “it”. Most government and neighbourhood schools don’t have “it”. Does MGS have a “MGS spirit”?, I inquired. “Yes it has “it”. RI seem to have “it”. SJI, St Andrew’s and Victoria also. Is “it” a sense of tradition and pride since it seems to be present in very old schools. Then why doesn’t Gan Eng Seng Sec Sch have “it”?

When I was studying at Swiss Cottage Secondary School, which was among the three best schools from Rochor to Woodlands,  🙂  Rudy Mosbergen was the principal and he tried to inculcate a Swiss spirit. It didn’t work. After he left for RJC or RI, the spirit left with him.

This spirit inhabits ex-ACS students and sort of holds them in loving bondage for a long time, often over several generations. Very few get delivered!  :) I know this from experience. I was climbing Mt Batur in Bali with some trekkies a few years back and we were all just conversing in the hotel room’s front porch when suddenly two persons in their mid fifties sort of “found” each other and realized they were both ex-ACS, and they both broke off spontaneously into the ACS school anthem, and they knew the words by heart. I was stunned and looked curiously for there before me was the “it” in manifestation. The “spirit” had take control of the subjects’ vocal chords and sung. I can’t remember the lyrics, not even the tune of my school song. Even if I did, I wouldn’t be caught singing it as an adult in front of other adults. To me, it was so uncool to be doing that, but they were doing it. I really had a good laugh and rubbed it in and they took it sportingly.

I googled “ACS spirit” to see if there was a definition but there was none. Instead I was led to a forum where an ex-ACS was ranting at the whole ACS spirit thing. It was “snobbery”. The ACS spirit existed only among the doctors, accountants, entrepreneurs and successful exes who attended the alumni dinners held at expensive places. It was the old boys network patting each others back. He claimed the ACS spirit comprised overly enthusiastic persistent insensitive evangelism; constant intolerable appeals and pressure for donations for all kinds of projects; and taunts and pressures to conform that came from various groups or cliques who were loyalists and true blue ACSian of several generations, among whom were informants, plants, agents,etc. Well for sure this one ex-ACS boy had a bitter experience there. (The rest better keep quiet, you may need to work for Ong Beng Seng or under Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam one day!)

I also asked the young adults, “Is the ACS spirit as strong in ACS Independent as it is in ACS Barker? What about ACJC, is “it” really present there?” Their answers are that “it” is present in ACS-i and Barker but less so in ACJC. The tougher question, which I didn’t ask them for obvious reasons, is:”Is the ACS spirit stronger in the older generation than in the present generation?” “Do they have it across the causeway?” Hmmm…this is one for the older to answer, and I think most will answer in negative, or with hesitation or doubt.

But it seems the “it” is present in the generation of Malcolm Loh, who wrote two posts in his blog which together with the ACJC birthday report got my juices going to write this post. This was what he said about the “it”:

“I realise that no matter how bald or fat some of us have become, there is a certain air of confidence that ACS boys have about them (others would call it arrogance). Even from a tender age of 7 at Primary 1, we were taught the school anthem (”ACS Forever”) and our motto (”The Best is Yet to Be”), and that is deeply ingrained in every single ACSian, so much so that this ACS-identity sticks with us through the rest of our lives. This is very evident to others, and that is why I know of many guys who, even though from other schools, have chosen to put their sons in ACS. I have yet to come across an ACSian who chooses to put his son in a school other than ACS.”

Another thing the ACS spirit exudes is this “cool” factor: that the ACS boy is not as nerdy and boring as the SJI or RI or St Andrew’s or other boys. They are happening and make nice dates. In fact, at a wedding dinner I heard the bride said one of her criteria for life partner is that he should be from ACS! She had said it tongue in cheek but I wonder if the bermudas, the BMWs and the bravado have created a brand that has become as desirable as Prada, among eligible females looking for a nesting partner?

(This was posted on 14 November 2008 and re-published because ACS was on my mind.)

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Off to Manchester for a semester

bye-bye dinnerMy daughter Elaine went to stay with my wife’s sister and husband, Amy and Mike in Bolton, England. This is the coldest in England in perhaps two decades. All of us are going to miss her but she is all wrapped up in warm comfort and care.

She will be an exchange student in the University of Manchester for a semester. How the Lord opened the way and provided the funds for her to go there is a testimony in itself. We are grateful to God for his undeserved blessings, and theAmy and Mike generosity of friends and family.

We were with her on skype and she looked happy and spoilt! She showed us a smart jacket and some warm turtleneck from sales there- snazzy stuff. We were happy for her and appreciated the Blyths for the love and generosity in hosting her for the period.

As all football fans know, Manchester is the home of the world’s second most famous football club: Manchester City FC. In case you wonder which is the most famous, and greatest, it is Arsenal FC.   🙂

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Love Singapore Pastors Prayer Summit 2010

I went to the Love Singapore movement’s annual Pastors’ Prayer Summit of 2010. I liked hearing the movement’s leaders share their hearts, the burden of the Lord’s word, and the vision and strategy of the movement. Here are my personal impressions:

Famosa chicken rice ball near Renaissance

Most Regrettable Decision: Eating the famous Malacca chicken rice balls from an imitation stall, even though forewarned by a pastor who was patronizing the restaurant. I mean any Malaccan food can’t be that bad right? Wrong! The chicken was as tough as LKY; as juiceless as coconut husks; as tasteless as licking the floor; and as hopeless as asking for lower GST. It was a new definition of kampong, range-bred chicken. The side dishes were unremarkable, and our eyebrows raised when we saw the bill. Adventure turned disaster. We were bombed, and we asked to be bombed! The next day, we sought and ravished the real thing at Jonker Street, after a fifteen minutes walk in what was like a frying pan. The truth must be told: there was a heaven and hell difference in taste and texture.

Interesting view from Renaissance hotel

Most Interesting View: The view from the fifteenth floor of the Renaissance Hotel in Malacca made me curious about the red roofed traditional kampung houses embraced by the slow, lazy but clean Malaccan river. I was dying to find out what that neighbourhood was all about.

Most Sobering Moment: When I saw security guards at the foyer of the main auditorium at every meeting.

Most Medicinal Value: The emcees, Pastors Guna Raman and Lawrence Chua, had such chemistry and finesse, in delivering dry, depreciating humour that tickled tired pastors desperately in need of holy laughter. They introduced each of the speakers with a humourous banter. Instead of raising expectations and building credibility, in clean and funny tease, they chopped at the pedestals we had put these pastors on, and to everyone’s delight, equalized the field and increased the connect.

Lawrence Khong preaching the opening session

Most Impactful Message: The message by Lawrence Khong on how God wants to enjoy and take delight in us (Psalms 45). It was a message we pastors needed to be reminded over and over again. My twist on it is that prayer is not about us performing to standard or custom; its about Him enjoying our company.

Most Refreshing Time: I had a good few hours in the hotel room just sitting in His presence in silence and solitude. Its good to know He enjoys my company. Rest in the Lord and be still.

Most Threatening Moments: When we had supper with pastor friends like Kenny Fam to catch up on news and ministry; and cholesterol up with mee goreng, nasi goreng and Ramli burgers.

walking by the snaking river

Most Interesting Walk: Vincent and I took a walk around the Malay village living museum. We crossed a bridge and walked leisurely by the pavements lining the snaking river peering into charming wooden houses with colorful curtains and decorations. A living kampung in the heart of high rise buildings and busy streets.

Most Striking Impression: I have not been to the Pastors Prayer Summit for about seven years. As I surveyed the pastors walking, standing, talking in groups I recognized many of them by their names or faces. It struck me that many now looked older. Grey hair, less hair, no hair; heavier frames, wrinkled, tired looks, hunched postures. I remarked to Vincent, “Everyone looks older. When they look at us, they’re probably seeing us the same way we see them. Haha.” The generation that came to Christ in their teens in the 1970’s and answered the call in the 80’s and 90’s, after many decades of faithful service, are now in their fifties and sixties! It was plain to me that the greatest need of the Singapore church was for us to raise, mentor and release a new generation of sons into glory.

blood red Hockchiew chicken in rice wine dregs

Most Tasty Meal: Hotel food cooked en masse for big crowds always carry a certain sameness that crashes the appetite. It was outside the hotel, at a Yong Peng coffeeshop that I tasted my best meal. Pastor Vincent, my roomate, wanted some Hockchiew food. We discovered that both our fathers were Hockchiew. So we were aiming to go to this restaurant he knew, but it was closed so we tried this other one and we enjoyed the meal as thoroughly as the dish was red in colour and the chicken meat tender.

Most Magical Moment: Lawrence Khong took the old vision of Love Singapore and put it in the hat of the seven gates of influence. He waved the magic wand, and the ‘old rabbit’ disappeared and the new ‘seven coloured rabbit’ appeared. Its actually the old rabbit, but it looked new. And we were inspired! Now, that’s what I call the magic of Lawrence Khong! It has to be a supernatural grace. There is no other explanation.

Most Inspiring Story: The transformational story of how God used a small church in Phuket to have a mega impact on the city. Pastor Burton, a British Assemblies of God missionary told us how the Lord can move to reduce corruption among local government officials and establish God’s justice in the city through leaders being born again.

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