Yangon assault

Yangon assaulted me in broad daylight. The dry heat and dust of March just punched me up. I felt uncomfortable, sweaty, uncooperative and ever-eager to get back to that pocket of civilization called hotel.

“I am not cut out to be a missionary,” I told pastor Thomas. I know His grace is sufficient for all situations but it is packaged with the specific calling.

It was four days of meetings with pastors and workers we have supported in the past and present. We heard from our local mission partners of the progress and challenges of their work. We saw what progress was made and refreshed them with encouragement and resources.

How do you help poor people and instill the “can do” dignity in them? We have bought piglets for families. After 9 months the families can sell the grown pigs for a profit, a part of which is kept to buy another piglet, and the remainder used for education or other needs.

We explored the idea of alleviating the poverty of the ordinary, long-suffering Myanmese via micro-loans.

The schedule was not as punishing as previous trips I have made. The commutes in dirty bone-shaker cabs and trucks, with hot dusty air and sunshine beating on me sapped my energy.

Lewis tells his storyThomas punches home the message

The churches we visited were only an hour or more away but our butts were shaken sore and our faces were layered with dirt. Thank God the buses were required to use CNG as fuel or the pollution in our lungs would be as bad as China’s cities.

I came home on Monday night more drained than I had expected.

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Speculating on water crystals

The comment about the video says, “Research from Dr. Masaru Emoto, says that when human thoughts are directed at water before it is frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water. Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals next to essays and “words of intent”. My son Matthew showed this video and it set me thinking.

I would like to know your opinion if this is science or science fiction or new age stuff?

IF the above videos are real science, then it is fascinating giddy stuff.

Just think of our human body. It is largely water: 70%.

Let’s engage in adventurous speculation and extrapolation.

Will the harbouring of negatives like bitterness, anger, prolonged stress and hate cause malformation at cellular level that consequentially become a disease?

On the other hand, would grateful and joyful praise all day perk the body’s performance and resistance to disease?

What is the impact of our attitudes on our water laden body? What is happening at a cellular level? Are beautiful and ugly water crystals formed and if so are they precursors and indicators of health or disease?

What are the implications on meditation? Meditation is translated from Hebrew “ hagah” which means ponder, mutter, speak, muse, and imagine. When we meditate on the gospel and the promises of God thinking on it, speaking it under our breath, muttering it – what is happening to us psychologically and physiologically? What is being birthed in us?

We keep muttering verses like, “God is my refuge and strength”, or “The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid?” or “The Lord is my righteousness” or “The Lord will supply all my needs” or “He himself took my sickness and diseases”. We say them over and over. What happens as we do that?

What happens below our skin when we sing praises in the congregation or in the home? When we listen to different kinds of music?

Is speculating on water, instead of gold, the next best investment of the century?
Watch this second video with a spoonful of salt:

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Li Nanxing’s conversion to Christ

Li Nanzing movie starIt was a triple fall that led to Li Nanxing’s salvation. First, was a “fall” in his career when he made a politically incorrect statement during his acceptance speech in an awards ceremony. Second, was when an dishonest manager swindled him of his investment in a business. And third was an actual freak fall from an entertainment center in Bangkok. He walked through an exit door that was supposed to be locked but wasn’t, and fell down three storeys, but felt that an angel cushioned the li nanxingfall and minimized his injury to his foot. His christian friend had been praying for him. Later that friend invited him to the healing rally at Lighthouse Evangelism, and the Lord had mercy on him and saved him. He also saw the Lord deliver him from vices of gambling, drinking and smoking and delivered him from financial ruin. Now he is happy and debt free. Let me supplement what I heard with details from a report by Channel News Asia titled, “Li Nanxing once racked up S$2m in debt, thought of suicide”

Veteran Singapore actor Li Nanxing revealed that he once indulged in gambling, drinking and even had suicidal thoughts when he could not pay off his mountain of debts, said media reports.

Li told his story to a large crowd on Sunday night at an event at the church Lighthouse Evangelism where many showed up after hearing that he would be speaking.

The television actor reportedly said that he racked up almost S$2 million in debt after making a bad investment decision.

He explained that while he was quite popular the first nine years of his career, his career came to a virtual halt after he said he “was fine with it” when he went on stage to receive an award for his role in the 1997 drama “Rising Expectations”.

Li did not manage to get many roles after that incident and decided to try his hand in business, so he took out S$900,000, his entire savings from nearly a decade of acting, and opened a members-only club with his friends.

“I was the largest shareholder at the time! When I finally got a chance to shoot a drama in China, I ‘pre-signed’ a number of cheques and left my business partners in charge of the venture,” said the 45-year-old.

“The six months I was in China, I only communicated with my business partner over the phone. I only found out later that the general manager was dishonest. Besides losing my S$900,000 investment, I still owed suppliers and developers S$500,000. That S$900,000 was everything I had from nearly a decade of work.”

Things started getting from bad to worse for the then-penniless Li. He lost his driving license for drink driving, owed S$45,000 in taxes and even had to borrow S$30,000 from loansharks to avoid losing his house after defaulting on loan repayments in 2002.

Li added that at one point, he even had to scrounge for loose change to buy food. He only had something good when his pay cheque finally came in at month’s end.

Facing such enormous pressure, Li turned to gambling, drinking and smoking almost three packets of cigarettes a day to numb himself. However, this only served to land him deeper in debt and made him think of taking his own life.

“I did not have any friends, I could not sleep… I thought of suicide, to end it all with my death,” said Li who went on to describe those years as the “darkest days of [his] life”.

Li said it is only after he chanced upon religion that he was miraculously “saved”.

His business partner wanted to settle their differences out of court and offered Li S$210,000 while his creditors stopped going after him and instead went after his other two business partners. He also signed with a new management company and managed to get a number of jobs overseas.

All this allowed him to clear all his debt within a year.

“After that, I no longer gambled, drank or smoked. I sleep peacefully every night and have a better temperament. I am a changed man,” said Li.

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