Four masters at Kung Fu Inn

with ps Thomas, Tammy, Mary

Four masters at Kung Fu Inn

It was beginning to be an annual affair. Tammy Tang would treat us to lunch and we would update each other on what’s been The restauranat at Temple Streethappening in our lives. So there we were, the four of us who served and shared our lives together in WRPF church. Tammy brought us to an interesting kung fu-themed Chinese restaurant along Temple Street in Chinatown. Pardon my ignorance of  the restaurant’s signboard, so I shall just call it Kung Fu Inn. That’s because every table had a plaque on the wall with the name of an ancient kung fu sect. There’s the Shaolin, the Wudang, the beggars sect, with the famous gourd and fan hanging on the wall. We sat at the table with a sword on the wall. Without asking permission, we took the sword from off the wall and its scabbard, and posed with it for fun. It was the real thing, heavy but not sharp.

Chili fish baptized in oil, braised duck, and frog legs

Food for pugilists

Innovative bak changWe enjoyed the food (concocted to improve kung fu capacities) that Tammy ordered: braised duck cooked and stuffed with rice wine residue(for internal strength), frogs’ legs (helps us jump over walls in one leap), some wild vegetables(gives us aggression), fish slices baptized in chili oil (to help us withstand critcisms), and glutinous rice balls with meat and egg fillings (helps us to throw deadly darts accurately). Amidst light banter and ribbing we reminisced between sips of Chinese tea. After the meal, I felt I could have taken on Jet Li and Jackie Chan together, no sweat. We topped up the experience with some famous Chinatown cool-down iced desserts just a minute’s walk away.

Sword wielding modern pugilist, Tammy Tang

Tammy Tang: radio evangelistTammy Tang

Tammy Tang has been writing and telling stories on FEBA radio as a volunteer. Besides that she has been preaching in Teochew or Hokkien on radio. She enjoys what she does and I admire her command of Chinese culture and dialects. She speaks Mandarin, Hokkien, Teochew, and her native dialect, Cantonese. She was a staunch Buddhist and read literally scores on religious books until she came to Christ in a life transforming way. She graduated from her theological studies and served the church for several years. The Lord has used her and is still using her in His kingdom’s work. To listen to the broadcast of this radio evangelist go HERE and click on these program dates 2012-02-06 am [ 28:11 ] and 2012-02-02 pm [ 29:53 ].

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Charisma and effective leadership

Peter Drucker“‘Leadership personality,’ ‘leadership style’ and ‘leadership traits’ do not exist. Among the most effective leaders I have encountered and worked with in a half century, some locked themselves into their office and others were ultragregarious…..Some were quick and impulsive; others studied and studied again and took forever to come to a decision. Some were warm and instantly ‘simpatico’; others remained aloof even after years of working closely with others, not only with outsiders like me but with the people with their own organization….The one and only personality trait the effective ones I have encountered have in common was something they did not have: they had little or no ‘charisma’ and little use either for the term or what it signifies.” -PETER DRUCKER, IN THE FOREWORD TO THE LEADER OF THE FUTURE: NEW VISIONS, STRATEGIES AND PRACTICES FOR THE NEXT ERA.

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Too soon

Like funeral clothes discarded

This crimson red misery

Stained with tears and fears of a faltering hope.

Eleven atheletes in disarray

Pacing up and down, back and forth

Kicking and flicking

To patch together a win

Perhaps a point.

Red-faced over one who has ears only

For Gallic style and ideals

For the beautiful game

That the feet and hearts of boys

From many nations

Cannot carry nor hoist

With honours

For the season ends too soon

Too soon.

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