Declutter your soul: its a New Year

Cluttered storeroom
Cluttered storeroom

On Monday my wife and I went into the storeroom and cleaned it up. The more a storeroom has been left untouched, the more clutter, dust and dirt it gathers and the more intimidating it becomes. We felt overwhelmed but were glad we did it.
We removed obstacles that blocked the path, wiped dirt off the shelves, and strengthened sagging shelves. We threw away many things: old wires, rechargers, bathroom floor rugs that had mildew, tools, tired tennis balls, plastic containers with red lids, and other containers.
We got rid of clutter – things we had no use for. We re-organized what was left and important to keep. We cleaned and removed the layers of dust on things and on the floor. No we were not thinking of Chinese New Year. It was simply a long overdue cleaning.
Your life and mine needs a similar de-cluttering and cleaning act. Are there activities that draw you away from Christ, that waste time or distract, or that feed an addiction? Are there spending habits that need to be trimmed, or priorities that need to be reviewed? De-clutter your soul.

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Dead Sea fun

The Dead Sea was the fun part. This is one place in life where you simply cannot sink. We were at the beach in front of the Ahava factory and retail store. Yes we had fun shopping and we had fun plastering our bodies with black mineralized mud that would take years off our skin. Haha.

Steven and me
Steven and me: perfect poise
The ladies soaking in salt-concentrated waters.
The ladies soaking in salt-concentrated waters.
The price you have to pay to look younger.
The price you have to pay to look younger.
Jacob the masseur giving Jenny the finger treatment.
Jacob the masseur giving Jenny the finger treatment.
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Qumran community archaelogical site

We visited the remains of an ancient site of a Qumran community in a semi arid landscape. It was cool but stark. It must have been hard to live in such circumstances where water concerns were predominant and this was reflected in the architecture and the space given for cisterns. The desert made me feel alone, forlorn, quiet, meditative and reflective.

Joyce Leong and Jenny in the museum
Joyce Leong and Jenny in the museum


At the Qumran community ancient site
At the Qumran community ancient site
Mr and Mrs Tan Jee Lian
Mr and Mrs Tan Jee Lian
Another view from the hotel
A view from the hotel in Jericho


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