Impressions, snapshots and sketches of Singaporean, Malaysian, and other churches and fellowships I have visited or preached in:
New Horizon Church: Blessed With Hope and A Future
Kum Yan Methodist Church: Church With A Missional DNA
Pentecostal Christian Community: Beloved Little Flock
Yishun Christian Church (Anglican): A Space For God’s Word to Form You
Tabernacle of Holiness: Blessed Pastors Children
Rivers of Life Church: still faithful to the vision
Tabernacle of Christ: a church that inspires faith in God
St John’s Church: a missional family church
Church of True Light: Let It Shine
Tabernacle of Holiness: Meeting the Pastors
Shekinah Assembly of God: A Story of Hope Re-Kindled
Preaching at St Andrew’s Community Chapel during Covid-19
Guest Preaching at Church of True Light during Covid-19
New Horizon Church: great hope for small churches
Church of True Light: many nations in one church
Zion Full Gospel Church: convenient city church with unusual origin and congregational mix
Woodlands Evangelical Free Church: shining light in the north
Chapel of the Resurrection: a reproducing church
Care Community Church: a family church in a heritage site
Aldersgate Methodist Church: keeping tradition and yet stepping beyond
The Quaker meeting: when Friends meet
Centre of New Life: insightful Pentecostal pulpit
River of Life Sanctuary, Kuala Lumpur
The New Covenant Church – this is the way church is meant to be
Community of Praise Baptist Church, Singapore
the New Covenant Church in KL – from strength to strength
Singapore Christian Canaan Church: a happy servant church
Faith Community Church: Bible teaching, migrant church in Perth
Young adults at Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church
Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church: traditional church in the heartlands
Visit to DUMC and experiential learning
TA Tuesday Fellowship in Kuala Lumpur
The New Covenant Church: by grace through faith
Century Christian Fellowship: love endures all things