An interview with me

Christina Siew is a God-seeker and blogger who writes about family and baby matters. I got to know her through blogging. Interestingly, I have gotten to know many acquaintances (some became friends) through this ministry of writing. Occasionally, as a guest preacher, I would meet some appreciative Christians who have been reading my blog posts. I have always been surprised that the Lord has used my writing to bless and edify the body of Christ. My articles are not particularly thorough or interesting. They are an editor’s nightmare. I simply plod on despite this because people seem to like them and the search engine has been partial and merciful to me. Christina runs two websites, one of which about travel, family and baby: go HERE. The other one has an interesting blog title: “Shema-rhema” (shema=hear/rhema=spoken word), which together means hearing the spoken word of the Lord. This is a lovely rhyming and memorable name for a website about spiritual growth and insights. Once she had the idea of including interviews with people on her website. She asked if I was willing. I said, Sure, pass me the questions. Bloggers are an endangered breed and should support each other! The questions motivated me to reflect on what’s been happening to me and proved to be a fruitful exercise for me. The result is HERE, a lovely interview titled “RETIRED SENIOR PASTOR, NOW RE-TYRED” thanks to her skilful editing. Visit her blog and be blessed by this and her other posts.

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  • Great interview! My feel from the interview is this: a humble pastor will always be greatly used by God whether retired or not …

    Pastor Kenny, God bless you and your wife with good health and youthful energy, and bless you with good success in all your ministries and writings. Amen!

    Looking forward to reading your ebook soon 😉

    • Thanks Stanley for your kind and generous remarks. I received your blessing with joy. Amen!

  • It’s interesting how 20+ years ago, in the early 2000s, blogging was the trend and bloggers were aplenty, and now, as you aptly termed, an endangered breed. I have also been a rather dormant blogger lately, delving slightly more into social media; time to dust off the ol’ blogging keyboard. 😉 You have and continue to be an encouragement and inspiration to many, including myself. Press on; Blog on!

    • Thank you fellow blogger & pastor Timothy. You and I are surviving dinosaurs on this planet of short attention span and amusement driven content. Let’s hold the course steady till the Lord bid us elsewhere.

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