My friend Vee San had successfully completed her PhD in Engineering under a scholarship and has opted to take up a research appointment in a hospital in London. She has a keen interest in theology too so we can connect even though she is my daughter’s age. We had lunch and later she asked if I would like to update my WordPress blog. She was the one who originally did my blog and the church’s second website. Without hesitation I said, Yes! My blog needed to look better on the smartphone and tablet format which is what most people are using nowadays to access information. So right now my blog is going through upgrading works.
I also came across a Popular Book shop sale. $5 for any three books. So I chose a Sudoku book for my wife, a journal notebook, and a book titled “Platform” by Michael Hyatt, which is about communicating in the new world of social media. Hope to get some advice on how to improve the Facebook, Twitter and blogging platforms that the church and I are currently using. I am looking forward to “getting noticed in a noisy world” as the subtitle reads. Or I may find that it is not worth the effort…