Mechanics in heaven?

Hyundai MatrixRadiator problems

Will there be mechanics or car workshop managers in heaven? The eight year old Hyundai Matrix died on me on Saturday and it was likely that the problem was the radiator. Since then I have been driving around with the air-conditioner turned off and the windows wound down. It reminded me of the early days when I drove the church van, a hardy Toyota Hiace, which had a 5 inches fan installed between the driver and the passenger seats. Wearing cotton shirts was a must. Even then you’d be wet if you drove in the afternoon heat. I called it a sauna on wheels.

Brazen rip-off?

Arrangements were made to go to this workshop near my workplace which made a diagnosis and called me to inform me of the repairs needed: $950 to replace the radiator and related hoses. My eyes opened wide, my mouth gaped and I said aloud into the phone, HUH? Well, as usual I consulted this church friend, Zach, an expert in all things cars. Let me get back to you. I received a call and he said, The radiator costs $250 and 3 hoses cost about $50 plus. So how did the workshop come up with $950. I felt like I was being taken for a ride, as I usually do when dealing with mechanics and workshops. When I called to tell them what I discovered, and that I will take the car back, they offered to give me another quotation. Which they did that and quoted almost half the price! Am I in Thailand bargaining at some bazaar? Of course they had some explanation that there were more than three hoses needed, gaskets, thermostat, and what not that accounted for the difference. Gave them the go-ahead and took the car the next day, and for sure they won’t be seeing me again.

Transformers of society

More women today drive cars. I wonder how they manage? Maybe there should be a website where people can consult, maybe somebody ought to start a “”. This comes back to my original tongue in cheek question, Will there be mechanics and car workshop managers in heaven? Are there Christian mechanics and workshop managers and businessman and financiers and lawyers and doctors and accountants and etc who have a kingdom transformation mindset? We certainly need them in order to transform society.

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  • I always call Mr Lau from Lai Huat Meng Kee … Off Sim Ming. The relationship started when I banged my car and my insurer AIG told me if I brought my car there, they will reimburse first etc etc. I figured they must be fairly priced for AIG to insist. Its been 9 years and I still go there. Not the cheapest around but handiwork is good,advice is always fair ( like dissuading me from making cosmetic changes which costs too much and adds not much)…and due to the trust factor, I barely need to shop afound at all.

    • Yes he has been my adviser whenever I’ve got car problems. Once he even came over himself to do a minor repair which took an hour and a half. Praise God.

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