Massive revival among untouchables in India

The Dalit (literally,”broken people”) or the untouchables- the lowest of India’s caste system- form close to 25% of the total population. In Hindu perspective, the Dalits are regarded lesser than humans and are treated as such. Most of them are illiterate and destitute and are sidelined to undesirable occupations. They are like the biblical lepers, despised, rejected and marginalized. People avoid touching them as it is defiling, that is except for rape, of which they are usual targets. The living and compassionate Christ however has been touching them on a massive unprecedented scale in recent years. Operation Mobilization, completely Indianised, has seen its church planting works grow from 300 to 3000 in the last decade. Other independent churches and homegrown missions agencies are also marvelling at this work the Lord is doing. Read more about this in this Christianity Today article: India’s Grassroots Revival. Or watch this YouTube video:

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  • Hi Alwin, Good to link up on Facebook too. Liked your blog post on Living Without Money. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  • Thank you Pastor for sharing this interesting news about Christianity in India. Indeed our Mighty God is moving and shaking people there. Will pray for people of India to coming to the kingdom of God. God bless.

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