Gleanings from blogroll 4

Took a stroll down my blogroll and read blogposts others have written and noted a few that struck me.

My friend James Creasman, President of CRMS, has great respect for Amy Chua and wrote about how he and his wife wished they weren’t too soft on their kids in Why Chinese Mothers are Better, but makes a fair and insightful conclusion on the matter that matters to every Chinese home.

Then there is Lilian’s post on her recent visit to Singapore’s spanking casino, contrasted alongside her encounter with the elderly and handicapped selling tissue paper packets in “Images of Singapore”.

Maria Ling, who once pastored a rural church in USA, and is now back there writes an honest heart searching piece about herself in “Discussing My Funeral”.

Dr Alex Tang, a voracious book connosieur, posted a penetrating review of John Piper’s book, “Think”. He wrote, “While I agree with his emphasis on reading and understanding the Bible (which he equate to thinking) and his asserting that thinking is loving God, I find it difficult to apply his conclusion to the rest of the world who……” Read Alex’s whole review.

For those who enjoy thinking about what the Bible says about the gospel of grace, it will pay you dividends, even if you are new to the debate, to patiently follow all the threads carefully woven in this post by my friend Jonathan Koh in  “Grace and Accusations of Antinominanism.”

To have an idea of the main thing that pastors caught at the Love Singapore Summit, read this post in the Christian Post Singapore, “Seeking God not Success”.

To all Chinese friends out there, have a very prosperous new year. This is the only time of the year when culture transcends doctrine, and you can wish people great prosperity without being accused of peddling the prosperity doctrine! 🙂

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  • Thank you for the blog, Hui Seng.
    Thru ur blog, managed to renew a lost contact. Who woulda thunk that Hui Seng is in the business of catching up with old friends!
    Looks like ur resources in ‘oil’ is not the only thing worth being ur adoring sister!!
    See u AhPek…………p/s.hows the kopitiam business?

  • Thanks for the link Pastor Kenny. Did you attend the Love Singapore Summit? Would be very interested to hear your or another other attendant’s thoughts. Heard a bit from some people. I guess there’s lot there relevant to Singapore Christianity.

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