The new

While I was taking a break from blogging, my website was hacked. By whom and for what reason, I do not know . Attempts were made to remove the fraudulent sites, but when that failed, the webmaster had to shut the site down.

Thank God the old files were not lost. This meant that about four years of writing, both the fluff, and the significant memories, were intact. I could restore them within a new skin. Or I could just start all over again. I have weighed both options and felt that I have been given an opportunity to start over again.

My blog designer, Vee, busy all through that period, has just graduated and has kindly helped to set up the blog again. Thank you for being patient and supportive. Do pray for this site to be a blessing to the body of Christ.

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  • Alamak!

    I totally forgot about it when you told me last week….
    But hey, better late than never…haaa…

    Praise the Lord! Welcome back Brother Pastor! yahoo! good to see you back re-energized, re-charged, re-juvenated,re-Ho say liao la!

    On a serious note,speak Isaiah 40:31 over you ya…

    Shalom Shalom Alychem!

  • Hibernation is over….blogpastor is back for a new season, hooray!
    Pastor, you’re gifted in writing and is a great blogger….how could you give-up blogging? Never! My intuition tells me that blogpastor is just going into hibernation for a season, not closing shop…glad my intuition is right! Welcome back!!

  • Welcome back brother !

    Continue to share your thoughts and his goodness. The good Lord grant you wisdom, joy, strength and creativity.

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