I read this interesting and encouraging interview with Rev Daniel Wee, the Vicar of the Church of Our Saviour, an Anglican megachurch, once led by Rev Derek Hong. I enjoyed reading this interview because Daniel gave straightforward authentic answers to the questions. He sometimes opened up to personal vulnerabilities, which is rare for a senior leader. He shared his experience of overextending himself and experiencing burnout.
In addition, I love the bit where he shares his experience working in a small church and the big ones. The comparisons and contrasts he made show the different challenges faced by pastors. Pastors have to adjust their leadership styles according to the size of the church. Here is an extract:
“When I first started, I pastored a small church. It was very challenging and difficult. I didn’t have anyone to guide me and help me figure things out. Going it alone meant making many mistakes and learning things the hard way. Amazingly, as I look back – God has seen me through all those challenges, however great they may have seemed to be at that time. Pastoring a small group meant I could deal with people more directly since the number was usually small. Yet in smaller churches, pastors are so much part of the ground that you sometimes fail to think about strategic directions and plans for growth.
When pastoring a large group, you often have to work through different layers of leadership and delegation. It is inevitable because it is increasingly difficult to address issues directly simply because of the sheer number of things to take care of. As a result, the skills needed for leading a larger church often include managing people and group communications. In a larger church, a pastor’s work tends to move towards managing and strategic direction – running the risk of becoming increasingly disengaged from the ground. Yet with a larger group of people also comes increased collective resources, which will require tighter processes and policies to steward them.”
Here is the link to the full interview of Daniel Wee in Shema Rhema.